The Gabrielson Clinic for Women
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5 Ways To Make 2023 Your Healthiest Year Yet!

Posted on January 5, 2023 at 10:00 AM by Gabrielson Clinic

Women's Health Services at The Gabrielson Clinic for WomenIs one of your new year’s resolutions to be healthier? Whether you have an existing concern you want to focus on or are looking for new ways to improve your health, we're here to meet all of your unique needs. Learn more about our women’s health services that can help you make 2023 your healthiest year yet!

1) Show Your Skin Some Love

Acne, wrinkles, dry skin, skin discoloration, and other common skin concerns can be pesky problems to treat that often lead to frustration and prevent you from feeling confident in your own skin. Healthy skin also goes beyond physical appearance. Skin conditions and irritations can have long-term impacts on your overall health. With a wide variety of dermatology services and medical spa services, our team of skin treatment experts can help you feel confident in the skin you’re in!

2) Lose Weight, The Healthy Way

Iowa Weight Loss Clinic - Iowa Weight Loss SpecialistsIf you’re looking to lose weight as one of your new year's resolutions, make sure you are choosing weight loss plans that are effective and safe. As a proud partner of Iowa Weight Loss Specialists, we provide the best weight loss programs in Iowa! Depending on your unique combination of personal factors (such as current weight, weight loss goals, health conditions, etc.), there is a wide variety of weight loss plans and weight loss services that can help you effectively lose weight in a safe and healthy manner. 

Learn more about each of these healthy weight loss options.

3) Find The Right Birth Control Option For You

OB/GYN Clinic - Birth Control Options at Gabrielson Clinic for WomenWith so many birth control options out there, finding the right option can be overwhelming. The best type of birth control for one woman may not be a suitable option for another woman depending on her unique needs, preferences, and goals. There are many different forms of birth control to choose between and a number of factors to consider when making your choice. Key factors to consider include the length of time the birth control is effective, surgical vs. nonsurgical options, and hormonal vs. non-hormonal birth control options. At The Gabrielson Clinic for Women, we offer a wide variety of birth control options and are here to discuss your options to help you find the best type of birth control for you. 

  • Hormonal Birth Control
    • Birth Control Pills, Birth Control Patches, & Nuvaring  
  • Long-Term Birth Control
    • NEXPLANON® Birth Control Implant, Varied IUD Options 
  • Surgical Birth Control Options
    • Essure® Permanent Birth Control & Tubal Ligation 

Learn more about these different types of birth control options.

4) Catch Up On Your Preventive Screenings

From routine physicals to breast exams to Pap smears and pelvic exams, preventive health screenings for women are vital to keep up with. These regular women’s health screenings can play a critical role in the early detection of cancers and other chronic health conditions. These checkups can also detect any other abnormalities that you may not notice yourself while also giving you the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns with your OB/GYN. Learn more about when to get routine screenings in the following articles. 

5) Try Something New In Your Healthcare Routine

The ReDoc Program

Provider Switch Program by Iowa Specialty Hospital If you’re not currently a patient with the Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics network of care, now is the perfect time to make the switch. The ReDoc program is a simple, straightforward program that will assist in the transfer from where you currently receive healthcare to Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics. Our ReDoc team will provide direct assistance every step along the journey to help match you with the perfect provider for your needs and preferences. All you need to do is fill out a form, and we’ll take care of everything from getting your records transferred to scheduling your first appointment and following up afterward to ensure we have the right fit. 


Save time and a trip to the doctor's office by scheduling virtual doctor visits wherever and whenever works best for you! Telehealth brings you the same quality healthcare you've come to expect, now in the comfort of your home. Through virtual doctor appointments, you can connect with your healthcare provider and receive both primary and specialized care in real-time.

Experience Better Health Through Better Healthcare 

No matter how you’re looking to improve or maintain your health in 2023, we're here to support you on your unique journey. Through our partnership with Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics, Orthopedic Specialists, and Iowa Weight Loss Specialists, we’re here to provide the support, resources, and services to make 2023 your healthiest year yet!

Take The First Step Towards Achieving Your New Year's Resolutions Today

Schedule An Appointment 

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